November 1989
EDITOR; Verna Baker Banes
Page 50
Dc-ta-y l<c3i=> 1 can
Or-&r-»c3 F^r-fair-ica, -TX •7E30SO
As mc discussed, following are 5o«e comments regarding the "Search for the Rl qht Corn«llu«
Vaughan; These thoughts are mostly Barbara Undauer's (6129 BStti Avenue) New Carrollton,
MD 207B1), but I have Merged thet nith data I have gleaned fron other researchers, as Hell
as By own Ideas.
. ' . .
1. There seem to be at least three Cornelius Vaughan'si one Mho lived ca. 1&50 ~ 1736, one
ca. 1729 - 1750, and one ca. 175? ~ 1780, all starting out in Virginia. Hith all three "
of these xen running around In the sa«e faiiily, you have to be very cautious about to
whoa and when things occur.
2. nary A. Snith (105 Enerald Drive; Tuscuiibia, At. 35674) has • Cornelius Vaughan nith
dates that Indicate he if the son of Cornelius Vaughan, the elder. However, In The.
forks of Elkhorn Church by Darnell, her Christian Vaughan is not lilted. This book,
along with HJBtgry of Moodjorl County by Railey la the nost conaon source of for the •
3. The J^orks, of'El Inborn Church cannot. honever, be used as an Ittpectbic source » they
xlso report, on page 292, the Vaughan legend regarding King's Councilor story as being
fact. As pointed out by Barbara Lindauer, the story that Cornelius Vaughan (1729 -
1785) Has sent by George II to A«erica as a solicitor Is not quite accurate. The dates
apply to Cornelius, son of Cornelius. If indeed the elder Cornelius hbb sent to
Anerici as a solicitor, it Mould have been during the reign of Charles II (1660 -
' 16951.
4* The earlies record located for a Cornelius Vaughan Has an 1&B3 deed in Caroline/King
and Queen County VA. (Caroline County Has created fron Essex, King and Queen, and King
HilliaB Counties in 1727/28. Spotsylvania County uas created froa Essex, King and
Queeen and King Hillian Counties in 1720/21). There are several deeds recorded for hi«
In St. Mary's Parish during the period 1683 - 1694. He appears on the 1704 rent Roll
In King and Queen County VA.
3. There are no records available that Indicate that Cornelius vaughafl (ca. l&SO - 1736)
Aiy have been aarried orior to his •arriage to Elizabeth) however, he Has obviouxly 'of
^gc" around 16B3i and the 1736 Spotsylvania County Deed in which land Is left to
•Cornelius Vaughan and nartin Vaughan, «y tno youngest sons'1 light Indicate that hit
•arriage to Elizabeth Mas his second •arriage. Tbis situation could account also lor
several Bale vaughan's that begin to appear In records in this area in the early
6. Another pocsllity is that there Here two Cornelius Vaughans, possibly •father •nd xon,
for the period 1680'* - 1736, the younger Cornelius having died as a young •an, leaving
.MidoH, Elizabeth, to survive hi« for about 40 years.
Nell, there it Is. Haybe another Vaughan researcher has got all of this straightened out.
Thanks to PATTI BRANDLE, 845 E. Broadway, Gushing, OK 74023 for this:
Reprint from "Stalkin* Kin", published by San Angelo, Tx Gen. & Hist.
Society, August 1986
Causes of Death - Missouri Style: Causes of death listed on Missouri
death Certificates found by a researcher.....
1. Died Suddenly - nothing seriously wrong.
2. Went to bed feeling well - woke up dead.
3. Worn out.
4. Don't know - never been fatally ill before.
5. Don't know - died without the aid of a physician.
6. Blow on the head with an axe - Contributory cause, another man's wife.