May 1989
EDITOR; Verna Baker Banes
Page 29

"History & Autobiographical Sketches of Madison Co, Ark."    VAUGHAN
from "History of Ark" originally pub'a by Goodspeed Co 1889———'
Reprint w/added index by Hilda Chance 1968
p.423    VAUGHAN'S VALLEY: The most fertile and beautiful landscape in Northwestern
Ark. is name d from its pioneer settlers, Samuel & Daniel Vaughan. Born in
Vs., their father, Wm. Vaughan, removed to Warren Co, Tenn., and. thence to
Wayne Co, Mo., where he was one of the earliest settlers, and thence to
Crawford Co, Ark., where he located on the Ark. River near Short Msuntain
Creek. Crossing the Boston mountains Samuel and Daniel Vaughan settled
near Evansville, Washington Co, before the Indian title to that section
had been extinguished, and, being encroachers, their improvements were
destroyed by the xKsi regular soldiers. In 1826 they removed to Cane Hill
Wash. Co, where they were the' first settlers, and in 1628 migrated to what
is now known as the Tuttle settlement, on .Bichland. 11n. 183.1-•Samuel Vaughan
reinove<a;);a. the;valley; ana- 'bougnt,.the lmprovements"of'one? Friend, .en Indian
half-breed of migratory habits, then its only occupant. Isaac Vaughan now
lives here. Samuel Vaughan dealt largely in Gov't claims. He died at the
age of 77. Daniel Vaughan lived all his life on his first claim, a short
distance west of Hindsville. William & John Hind, from Warren Co, Tenn.
arrived about 1832, John locating on the site of Hindsville, and William
SE 2-1/2 miles. Miles, Abram, John & Barnett Beach, Samuel & Elley Lane,
John Harp, Jackson Titsworth & Wm. Evans were also
p. 424     among the early settlers. The field notes of the gov't survey of Twnship Ij
north. Range 27 west, show the "road from Osage Prairie to Izard court
house," crossing diagonally from SE to MW the dwellings of "Hynd," Beach &
_      Vaughan, This origin was sectlonized in 1834."
P 420     HluuLAND. Geo. Tucker drove the first wagon to this section in the fall of
1828, from Cans Hill, Wash. Co. with SAMUEL f DANIEL VAUGHAN he had
explored the region in the previous spring.......
mrly LAUD EHTRIES:                         earliest 8 Hbv 1834)
P 434       Township 17, Range 27
1852 Vaughan, George W., SW, SE, Sec 4
1845 Vaughan, Danies, W, SW, Sec 4
1839 Vaughan, Isaac, ME, BE, Sec 9
p 436      ..........."The first sessions of the court, at the close of the war, were
held in the house of JOHH VAUGHAK, now owned by W. J. Sams, and in
Masonic hall....."
p 439       COUHTX    OFFICERS:
SHERIFF:    B. Vaughan, 1848-1858, 1867-1868; k7650k767.
ASSESSOR:   B. Vaughan 1867-1868; 1872-1876
S. F. Vaughan l88o-l882
p 440      REPRESENTATIVE: Daniel Vaughan 1842-1844
B. Vaughan, T. Bateman 1858-1860
J. C. MOMT30MEM, S. E. Kenner 1860-1862
Under the constitution of 1868 -the. State ,vas districted; Madison, Marion 8r.
Carroll—BENJAMIN VAU3HAN, J. A. 'Fitzwater,. J'^M; ;:HOpper, P. A. WILLIAMS
P 450     JUDGES: S. T. Vaughan 1858-i860
G. W. Vaughan 1868-1872
P 458     Hindsville is situated on See 16 of Township 17 north, Bange 27 west, on a
small •brnach of    Brush Creek & in the fertile & beautiful VAUGHAN'S Valle/
10     miles W. of Huntsville, on the Fayetteville road., at its intersectio
with the     road from Wesley to Eureka Springs. ........
......In 1875 the first steam mill in the valley was built by ZIMRI VAUGHAM
and J. G. M. Seitz, 2 miles west of Hindsville.....
Notes made by MARION DOUTHIT, 32 S. Evergreen St, Memphis, TN 38104. •
When you start out to find a FAMILY TREE, you may discover a FOREST.
—  Tony Banes
