May 1989
EDITOR; Verna Baker Banes
Page 21

MARY GOWING, 1832 Buck Street, Eugene, OR 97405  wishes to say thanks to  people
for contributing information to the Newsletter that gave clues to her husband
Harold's Vaughan families which then connected to the BEANS AND BOORNS.  See the
family sheets in the 1987 issues that Mary and I put together on ENOCH G. VAUGHAN
and ROXIE THOMPSON.  She has now discovered Enoch's parents and other ancestors.
Then a11 of these lead to H. VAUGHAN GRIFFIN whose book THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN
VAUGHAN OF NEWPORT, R.I. contains the fartherest back information on their lines.
Are there others who have traced their line back to JOHN and GILLIAN VAUGHAN?
Also Dean Meade and Harold Gowing have discovered other common ancestors!
A sad note is  that Nancy Elliot, whose "family tree" was printed along with
that of her husband Bin's on p. 22 of the January 1987 issue, has passed away.  I
had enjoyed very much the material she sent  particularly because she and Bill had
found that they were re1ated==both descended from JOHN VAUGHAN and GILLIAN TOUZAR,
born about 1610, and married about 1645.
Mary and Harold's story is one that illustrates that even little clues can help
connect lines. The  Sherrill Bourns's information that helped Mary was not even
Sherry's tine, but she has contributed lots of material to the Newsletter, some hers
and some others, but all thoroughly searched and documented.

HELEN UNDERWOOD, 238 Cumberland Trail, Conroe. TX 77302   wrote in 1986 that she
hoped to find information on MARY ANN VAUGHN who married BENJAMIN CONE in 1843 in
Greene Co IL.  Recently MAXINE RUTHERFORD, 8680 E. Alameda, i?1223, Denver, CO 80231
sent me a Greene Co IL probate settlement that was not connected to her family but
she thought might help someone else.  This settlement named MARY ANN VAUGHN and
BENJAMIN G. CONE as administrators of the estate of HARBERT VAUGHN.  So I wrote
Helen who was delighted to find this document. Even though the first names of Amy
and Mary do not agree, it is clear that this is the same person.
Again, this is a case of someone sharing a document that was not related to one's
own line.     Thanks to Maxine who has been generous in sharing material.

FRANK SHANNON. 10 Beaver Rd, Camp HlH. PA      joins GRACE YOHN, LOTS MACKEY,
JANET MINERD, and BARBARA MADANY in the search for information on WILLIAN VAUGHN/
VAWN, Sr, and wife MARY LOVE, who lived in Nossvi11e, Huntingdon Co PA.(see below)
Where are William, Sr, his wife Mary, and their son Robert buried?
Daughter Isabella was married to WILLIAM ERVIN.  Where are they buried?
Whom did daughters NANCY & ELLEN marry?  Where buried?
He has this information on sons THOMAS, WILLIAM, and FREDERICK.

OTIS CLAY VAUGHAN. Box 130, Vici, OK 73859       wishes to hear from others who
have information on any STARLING/STERLING (etc) VAUGHAN/VAUGHN.  There are very few
by that name, so he feels it should be possible to find some connections to his own
Sterling (b ca1830) who was the son of ALBERT(O) VAUGHAN and MARTHA JANE ROY(Z)AL.

WILLIAM BIEHENER, 410 Valencia Ave. Burbank, CA 91506   has conflicting data on
the parents of a RAY VAUGHAN.One source lists Ray as d. 1892, age 1 year 6 months,
with parents STEWART and TERESA VAUGHN.  Another source gives the parents' names as
NEWTON and TRISSA VAUGHN who lived in Rich Mill, Mo, and lost Ray, an infant son.
These must be the same family.   William's great grandfather was ENOS VAUGHN whose
youngest brother Newton was born in 1863 and d. in 1936.  Was this the same Newton?
Does anyone know where Newton and wife are buried?

NORMA ROGERS, 1277 DEXTER RD, Cordova, TN 38018  is researching the Vaughan
ancestry in behalf of a 92-year old friend whose gr-father AUGUSTUS JAMES VAUGHAN
was born ca 1822 in the Dinwiddie-Amelia-Petersburg area of VA.  He married BETSY
MOTLEY in TN, then went to Pontotoc, MS, then in 1858 to Texas.  From information
given in earlier issues of the Newsletter by Lanell Dunn, she discovered that James
Augustus was the son of ROBERT VAUGHAN and LUCY HUNT HARWELL.  Lanell died a few
months ago, but the research she had done helped Norma.
ALSO: BARBARA VAN DE PETE, 8430 Hiway 2 West. Havre. MT 59501. (Mm & Mary Vawn).
