May 1989
EDITOR; Verna Baker Banes
Page 17

FRANCES BURKHART, P.O. Box 348, Hancevine, AL 35077   wrote that several years
ag3 tie 1o3se records of williamson County TN we-'e sent to the State Library and
Archives for safekeeping.  While there, many were unfolded and placed in some sort
of order.  Then they were sent back to the county in 1987 and housed in the old jail
bJ-'IJing where cell blocks were cut out and shelves built for storing the boxes.
The records are still in poor order, with many in no order.  Records for the same
case will often be found in several different boxes.  These loose records are a
'gold mine" of information.  There are depositions by people that give information
that will not be found in any other source.  LOUISE GILLESPIE LYNCH has compiled
some of the material into books titled "Miscellaneous Records--Wi11iamson Co TN."
Louise wrote that she has enjoyed going through them and hope they will help others
in their research.  She commended Judge WILBURN KELLY for his cooperation and help
in finding a place for the records.  Without his help, they would still be piled in
a heap in the corner of the old jail with no way for them to ever be used.
People who are able to help preserve old records are to be especially  thanked.
Without dedicated people to do this kind of tedious work, records are lost each day!
Thanks to Frances for sharing this information.

MADELINE DODD, Rt 6. Box 248, ShelbyviHe. TN 37160    is trying to establish
the maiden name of her husband's ancestor HANNAH, who married DANIEL DODO, 1822,
in Mercer Co PA.  One source says her name was HANNAH VAUGHN, and another says it
was HANNAH STREIGHT.  Had she been married previous to her marriage to Daniel to
either a Vaughn or a Streight, with the other name being her maiden name?  Her first
child was named JAMES VAUGHN DODD, which is no evidence one way or the other because
sometimes the oldest son was named for the wife's father and sometimes even for a
first husband!    Can someone help her?

ANN KANE, Rt 1  Box 1237, Heyburn. ID 83336 requests help in locating the family
of JAMES and MATHILDA HENSLEY.Daughter FEREDLA FERBIA, also shows up as PETTY or
BETTY, was born ca1841 in (?) Wilkes Co NC.  Ferelda, who died 1870 in Scott Co VA,
married JESSE CORDELL.  Their children:  SARAH,   ELISABETTE,  MARY J., JOHN,  and
ELLEN (b 1858 in Tazewell Co VA) who married ELI or ELIAS ANDERSON VAUGHAN in 1873
at Rotherwood, TN.  Their children:  MARY,    OLIVER,    CLARA,    CHARLES, JESSE,

MILDRED LASSITER, 1216 Eastwood Dr, Cookevi'Tle. TN 38501  sent this listing
taken from the Lassiter Family Bible:(see Nov. 88 Newsletter)
ELISHA H. LASSITER,      b 1811, d 1892,  m. 1837 Davidson Co TN to
SARAH ELIZABETH VAUGHAN, b 1812, Fairfax Co VA, d 1876.      CHILDREN:
SARAH E.              b 1839     m 1862      E. N. TRAIL
MARY J.               b 1842     m 1863      WILLIAM D. WOOD
NANCY L.V.            b 1844     m 1865      JOSEPH L. PATTON
ELISHA J.             b 1847     m 1874      CATHERINE CANTRELL
WILLIAM H.C.          b 1850    m 1882      CATHERINE E. PARKER
CHARLOTTE ANN         b 1853                 "DUTCH" PATTERSON
ROBERT A.B.           b 1856                 NANCY PARKER

ROBERTA LAWRENCE, 3138 D 1/2 Rd.  Grand Junction, CO 81504    requests the
present address of Lt. Col. JOSEPH PORTER (last known address:   Quarters 4152,
Air Force Academy, CO 80840).      Roberta's brother had corresponded with him
about information on ENOCH VAUGHAM.  Now, Col. Porter is lost.    Help!"

THOMAS WILSON, 806  7th Ave North, Texas City, TX 77590 descends from PETER VAUGHAN
b. 1806 VA, and wife PENELOPE, B. KY^They .<ere~in the 1.350 Osage Co MO census.
Children born in TN and MO: SARAH 1833; CATHERINE 1834; JAHE 1835; THOMAS JEFFERSON
1836 (Union Army Vet); NANCY 1839; WILLIAM 1842;  and CLEMENfINE 1842.
Catherine married HENRY 3RAOLEY, b. 1842/3 in England.
