May 1989
EDITOR; Verna Baker Banes
Page 13

BERTHA HARTLEY. 10704 SeagoviHe Rd, Dallas, TX 75217   continues to search for
descendants of  JEREMIAH VAUGHN, b ca 1829, & MARGARET ANN DAVIS.
F<U(NIE VAUGHN, b 1885 KY, d 1909 Hopkins Co TX, and EDMOND LEE MORRIS.
See 1984 and 1986 NEWSLETTERS for more details on these families.

GENEVA  0'DAN I EL HAMMER, P.O. Box 3293. Napa. CA 94558   is the great-grand
daughter of JAMES VAUGHAN, b. ca 1843 in GA.N^Te" on page 47 of the June 1987
Newsletter his birthdate is incorrect.  In 1860 he was listed in the household of a
REUBEN VAUGHAN in Saline Co AR.  What connection is there between James and Reuben?

ELLA "DIXIE" NEMBURY, P.O. Box 443. Liver-more,, CA 94550  copied these  records
from the gene society quarterly in San Bernardino, CA:
VAUGHN,  MYRTLE JUNE        b. San Bernardino Co CA    30 Nov 1886
VAUGHN,  PIERCE BYRNE       b. Richie Canyon            4 Jan 1894
VAUGHN,  Ernes (sic) Le Roy b. San Bernardino Co CA    20 Aug 1887
VAUGHAN, EDNA C., age 82    d.   (Obit SUN TELEGRAM)   12 Apr 1874
VAUGHAN, FRANCIS MARIE      d.           "4 Oct 1874
Dixie sent a biography of SEWELL S. VAUGHN, b 1820 Franklin Co MA,  (s/o DAVID and
REBECCA CARTER VAUGHN), from two Jackson County, MI books.  If you would like to
have these pages, send me a long SASE and 3 extra stamps for copying.

CHARLES C. OMENS, 930 E. Brainard St. Pensacole, FL  32503    keeps hoping that
someone will have information on the parents of MARY MARGARET VAUGHN, b ca 1810 SC.
She married JOHN ABNER BARKER (see 1986 issue). Charles has contributed many stories
to the Newsletter, so I join in his hopes to find someone with help on his line.

DENIS A. VAUGHN, P.O. Box 1886, Diamond Springs. CA 95619-1886 (new address)
knows that his Vaughns came from Canada, apparently by way of Vermont, and settled
in Plymouth County in the latter half of the last century.   His gr-father WALTER
EVERETT VAUGHN d there in 1953, but details about previous ancestors are sketchy.
Denis included pages from the Vital Records of Carver, MA, a small town in Plymouth
County which seems to have had an unusual number of Vaughan/Vaughn residents.  He
noted that most of the V/V families mentioned in this Newsletter are from the South
--not many New Englanders.  In his research among the records of Plymouth, Essex,
and Suffolk county he has found the occasional Vaughn, including even some 17th
century immigrants, but not many, which makes the Carver colony so unusual.  Many
Southern families had their American roots in New England, so perhaps these listings
could be of value to the Southern "Cousins,"
For a copy of these 8 pages of information, send me a long SASE & 4 stamps.

IDELL VAUGHAN. Rt 1, Box 840. West Plains, MO 65775    has hired professional
searchers to hunt for information on her SHERWOOD VAUGHAN, but found nothing.
Her only hope is for a reader of this newsletter to give her clues.      There was a
Sherwood in the Rev. War from VA; another later in NC; but "hers" died in Washington
Co TN in 1849.  She would appreciate hearing from anyone who has or knows of someone
with the name Sherwood in the family line.''

JACK B. VAUGHN. 1207 Starlite Dr. Nipomo, CA 93444   sent a page copied from the
HISTORY OF POPE COUNTY, AR by Joseph Vaughn Potter.  It begins, "The Vaughan/Vaughn
family of Pope Co AR dates back to the early 1840's when ENOCH VAUGHAN, b 1814, and
his bride ELIZABETH PETTY arrived from Bonham, TX."  Their children & birthdates:
ABIGAIL   1840;   ROBERT  1842;   ELIZABETH  1844;   ALFRED  1846;   SARAH 1848;
ANGILENE;         GEORGE;         JAMES & JOHN CALHOUN 1853.
After Elizabeth's death, he married LETHIA NAPIER, a widow with 2 boys.  After her
death he married HANNAH MULLIGAN and had 4 children  SARAH, MARTHA, FATE, & SINOA.
Send SASE and an extra stamp for a copy.
