January 1987
EDITOR; Verna Baker Banes
Page 5

JEAN MANASCO, 357 Lucerne Bl, Birmingham, AL 35209 wonders if someone might know
anything on JOHN SMITH VAUGHAN who married MARY ANNA HECKLER, prob. in
Rodney, MS.  Also, can anyone verify the marriage data for THEODORE H. VAUGHAN &
 VICTORIA B. SHIELDS? Her records show it- as 26 Apr 1882.  She is also interested in
information on GWENNETH VAUGHAN who came from England and settled in Virginia.

CAROLYN MARBLEP.O. Box 337, Lincoln, TX 78948 shares ttiesa index listings from
ROACH, ROBERTS, & RIDGEWAY by Mariiou Roach Fair, a book available on inter-
library loan from the TX State Archives i
VAUGHAN, Allia Dalton, Billia, David, Elinor, Jack, Mary, Paul, Robert D.
VAUGHAN, Annie Laurie, Bill, Dorothy, Earllne, Fay, Fred, Grace. J.I. Nona, Ruby,
Russell, Vesta Brazeal, William Clay.
VAUGHAN, Bessie, Earle, Ira, James Ransom, Janes, Lillian, Lizzie.
VAUGHAN, Soberly Greenwood, Baverly, Ida Mae, Lovia 0., Lucilla, Maud, Minnie,
Nora, Ruby.       
VAUGHAN, Charlie Coleman, Ethel Hendricks, Jeannette, William.
VAUGHAN, Dorothy Jean, Floyd Carr, Grover Cleveland, James, Mary Catherine.
VAUGHAN, James Isiah.
VAUGHAN, Martin Elizabeth.
VAUGHAN. Winnifred Virginia.

LEOMABD MCCOWN, 217 W. 14th Street, living, TX 75060 has discovered an error in the
family sheet for JAMES & SUSANNAH VAUGHAN, printed on p. 54 of the November 1986
issue.  James & Susannah did have a child named BARBARA JANE (He has a will to prove
this.), but she was not the one who m. GEORGE WADDELL in Lowndes Co MS.  This was
another Barbara who was the daughter of GEORGE & CATHERINE (ROBERTS) VAUGHN. 
One was the half aunt of the other I  These overlapping generations of people with the same given
name do causa trouble!

EDNA MCKEEHAN, 303 N. Lindsay Rd, 1-13, Mesa, AZ 85203 and ROBERT R. VAUGHN,
Rt. 1, Box 121, Kearney, MO 64060, have discovered that they descend from brothers ENOS and
ELIJAH VAUGHAN who married sisters.  Last-year Edna became acquainted with descendants of
These new "cousins' have a picture of Samuel Jackson who has Indian features.  Edna wonders if
Elijah could have been part of the same family as JOSHUA VAUGHAN, page 67 of the November
1986 newsletter.  Part of that family knew Daniel Boone, and Edna says her family legend is that their
Elijah knew Danial.  Elijah's brother-in-law FRANCIS FLOURNOY JACKSON visited Daniel in
Missouri, according to the Shana-Jackson interview in the Draper Manuscripts.  Although ENOS
VAUGHN signed the bond for RHOOA DRAKE'S marriage to ELI VAUGHN in dark Co KY,
 it is not known how Eli fits into Edna's Vaughns.  Rhoda Drake was the illegitimate dau of JOHN
HOLDER who was at Boonsborough with Daniel Boone.  John Holder married one of the Cailoway
girls who were captured by the Indians along with Jemima Boone, dau o£ Daniel. So more of the
story of Vaughans and Boones unravels!

CHARLENE MCMULLIN, 5184 Carlingford Aye, Riverside, CA 92504 continues seeking parents
of her great-grandfather BENJAMIN WELLS VAUGHAH/VAUGHN b. August 1827,  Elmira, NY;
 d 2 Feb 1902 in Judsonia AR.  He married CAROLINE PHOEBE CONKLIN 23 Aug 1848 in New
York.  She appeals tor help!

MAXINE RUTHERFORD, 920 Glencliff,  139, LaHabra, CA 90631 sent me the pension application
papers on the record of JEREMIAH VAUGHN who served in the Civil War. If you would like to have
a copy of these 17 pages, please send me or Maxine $3.00 to cover cost of printing and postage. 
Information on this family is given on p. 55 of the November 1986 Newsletter.

ALLEN A. VAUGHN, 1317 H.W. 14th St., Oklahoma City OK 73106   descends from EDMOND
VAUGHN (b 1773) m Elizabeth?;  GEORGE W. VAUQHN (1823-1890) m REBECKAH JACKSON) 
JOHN ED VAUGHN (1843-1893) m   JULIA ANN HENDERSON.  ALLEN G.T. (son of John Ed
& Julia Ann) moved to OK as a young man because of a malaria illness; but large numbers of the "clan"
are still in KY, MO, and TN.
