JULY 1984
EDITOR; Verna Baker Banes
Page 38

VOL. II. t4, October 1984    P.O. Box. 74-35, Huntsville. TX 77342-7435
Editor Verna Baker Banes

Interest in searching the VAUGHAN/VAUGHN surname has far exceeded expectations. Editing
the newsletter, sending out sample copies, corresponding personally with each of you has become
almost a full time job! But is is funi I considered discontinuing the project with this issue; but because
new inquiries and interesting information kept coming in from various sources, I decided to keep up
the project for another year.

Because of the work and costs involved in compiling and mailing an issue, the newsletter will be
published only three times in 1985.  These will be mailed out in January, June, and November.  
Deadlines for each will be the first of the previous month.

142 of you have made donations to help with printing and mailing costs.   More than 50 others hive
received complimentary copies—some were libraries and others were persons who re^-ested sample
copies, but did not respond further.  Printing costs average 5( for each side of the page.  Envelopes to
mail this edition cost 6< each; mailing labels are It each; the enclosed return envelopes are y each; and
the participation blanks are 2( each.   First class postage is expensive, and the cost will .be more next
year.   If we could get a mailing list large enough to mail 200 copies at one time, we could apply for a
special mailing permit, so an increased mailing list would be helpful.  If we are able '-a set a special
mailing permit, the difference in postage costs will be used to print -sere material. So you see. we are
barely covering expenses; and no charge is made for o*;r tilae, nor for trips to the copy house, etc.
As we do not want to ask for more than S5. per year, cutting back to three issues is necessary.

Will you please send your $5. donation now while the thought is fresh in your mind?  You will not
receive a copy in January, 1985 if we have not heard from you.  A form and a-, e.-.velope are
enclosed. More queries and interesting stories are also needed.

This cetailei i-.fcrmation Is shared with you so you can know what is happening.  Also it c-.'-'es
these of you who are thinking of editing a newsletter an idea of what is ir.vclvei. y;-r csrrespondence
 is thoroughly enjoyed.   When people find others working on a c=—.;n line. the effort is worthwhile.  
So please share this good news with us.We wish we could find someone with information on our
own family linell (see page <1)

And a special THANKS to my husband. Tony Banes.  Kill everyone please rise and give him
a r;--.d of applausell He wrote the computer program for indexing the newsletter and helpei with the
conpilation of it, particularly with proofreading.   He also wrote the cs-.p-'.er progra.- for printing
the address labels.   And he generally gets involved by helping with collating, folding, sealing, etc. 
But he has learned a lot about Vaughans, and they aren't even his own family linel Verna Banes
