Unknown biological father was born about 1840. He died sometime during or shortly after the end of the Civil War.
No found record of marriage,
but fathered a son with Barbara Weidemier of Sandusky OH born 1842.
John Myers was born in 1864 in Sandusky OH. He took the name of his Step-Father Fredrick
His son, John Wendell
Myers was born in 1912 in Crescent OK.
His son, Albert Dean Myers was born in 1943 in
Crescent OK was the person DNA tested.
It's only through the Family
Tree DNA results and the many Vaughn matches that we even became aware of a
Vaughn connection. But that information
may solve a family history mystery.
(Included in our Vaughan project because there are close
matches with Vaughan/Vaughn’s)